Frequently Asked Questions

Prepare For Your Experience
What is ecstatic dance?

Ecstatic dance is a form of moving meditation in which the participant surrenders their body to the rhythm of the music, without following any particular formula. The music is curated and delivered in a manner that helps achieve this goal.

The participant's free movement enables them to eventually enter a trance state, with powerful feelings of ecstatic release. This may manifest as a strong connection with the body, emotions and fellow dancers. The word "ecstasy" comes from the Ancient Greek word "ἔκστασις", in turn from "ἐκ" (out) and "ἵστημι" (I stand). In classical Greek literature it meant the removal of the mind or body "from its normal place of function."

Ecstatic dance is an ancient, ritualistic human practice that can help people develop peace of mind, spirituality and physical intelligence. Its restorative, therapeutic qualities have been shown to have transformative effects on those who practice it - reducing symptoms of stress, depression and anxiety.

You can learn more by watching this 12 minute documentary:


What do I need to bring?

You don’t need to bring much to an Ecstatic Dance Ireland event, but there are some basics you'll want to keep in mind:

  1. Wear something flexible with removable layers. You’re going to be moving a lot and you're likely to heat up from doing so. Don't worry about shoes, you’ll be either barefoot or in your socks (unless shoes are necessary for health reasons). 
  2. Bring a 500 ml - 1 litre reusable bottle of water or isotonic drink. You will get thirsty from all the movement. There are water taps at the venue where you can refill your bottle.
  3. Consider bringing a light towel and a fresh top. You may be dripping sweat by the time the event is over!
  4. A small bag will help you comfortably keep the above items together.
Where do events take place?

Ecstatic Dance Ireland events will initially take place in Conscious Dublin, in Dublin 7. Over time, we hope to grow into other parts of the country. 

Would you like to suggest another location in the country that could benefit from an ecstatic dance group? Don't hesitate to get in touch at

What type of music is played?

Ecstatic dance DJ sets are usually an eclectic mix of genres, spanning from meditative ambient sound to high-BPM techno. There is no attempt to fit into any particular box. 

The DJ's focus is on giving people an experience that allows them to enter a meditative state - to go on a journey of movement and ultimately find ecstatic release.

The music in ecstatic dance usually starts off very calmly, but gradually escalates and builds in rhythm and intensity towards a peak (or several peaks). Towards the end of the event the music winds down and everyone is brought back to Earth, with a soft landing. 

The music can be classical, tribal house, electro-swing etc. It can be old, it can be new.  What matters most is that the music is resonant and that it can guide people through their journey.

Why is there no alcohol?

Ecstatic dance events worldwide are alcohol-free. Although alcohol does lower your inhibitions, it is a depressant that will not help you open your mind and connect with your body. 

We live in a society where alcohol is inextricably linked to dancing, celebrating and partying. Yet movement without alcohol can go far beyond anything you’ve experienced in an alcohol-fuelled state. It can be wild, primal and transformational.

Let go of any prejudice you might have about what an event like this may or may not be like. All you need to drink is water. 

Why drink cacao before dancing?

At the start of Ecstatic Dance Ireland events, we often drink cacao. Cacao is used to produce countless chocolate products, but this version is raw and unprocessed - not something you will find at your local supermarket.

Raw cacao is rich in nutrients and is particularly high in theobromine, a compound that helps you relax and increases airflow to your lungs. It is often described as mood-boosting and “heart opening”.

Ecstatic dance is all about letting go and surrendering to the music. It’s about being fully present. We offer cacao with the intention of establishing "set and setting" - enabling you to commence the dance in a mindful, relaxed state.

Can anyone participate in ecstatic dance?

Ecstatic dance is for anyone. The only limitation at Ecstatic Dance Ireland events is that we do not typically allow entry to people under the age of 18 unless they have experience with ecstatic dance. This restriction is in place in order to limit distractions and maintain the intensity of the experience. Over time, this restriction may be relaxed for different event types.

Beyond that, it doesn’t matter what your background is. Your gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, shape etc. does not matter. There is no “right way” to move, other than to move in a way that is true to you.

Why is talking not allowed?

There is no talking permitted once an ecstatic dance commences. It’s a time to move and connect, both with yourself and with others. But you don’t need words. To talk is to engage in a distraction that takes you away from where you need to go. All you need is your body and all that’s required of you is to surrender to the process. 

Can I dance with others?

Ecstatic dance is about your experience, your surrender and your movement. But it is also about community, connection and unity.

Some people prefer to exclusively dance only with themselves, while others will sometimes wish to dance with other individuals or groups. No matter what you choose, it’s ok as long as it’s consensual on all sides.

It’s important to use good judgement when looking to dance with others. There is no talking during an ecstatic dance, but eye contact, movement and other cues should make it clear if someone is willing to dance with you.

Why are people crying?

Sometimes, you’ll see someone at an ecstatic dance in a very subdued state, maybe even crying. This is usually because the person is experiencing an intense emotional release. This can happen at an unexpected moment. 

That’s ok, it’s normal and healthy. Ecstatic dance can involve a lot of emotion and catharsis. Whatever it is you need to let go, you can do that through ecstatic movement. When you encounter another person experiencing such strength of emotion, give them space to process and release on their own terms.

It’s ok to cry, it’s ok to laugh. That’s how we deal with the ups and downs of life. And dealing with life is a big part of what ecstatic dance is all about. 

Why dance without shoes?

Ecstatic dance is a shoe-free experience that is best enjoyed barefoot. This helps participants connect with the floor and feel grounded. You may also wear socks, however please make sure that you have sufficient grip to prevent dangerous slipping. 

Individuals who are experiencing health issues with their feet or legs may use soft-soled shoes that are worn only indoors. 

Street shoes and hard-soled shoes are not permitted as they may bring dirt to the dancefloor and/or result in injury if a foot is accidentally stepped on.

Is this a religious or spiritual experience?

Ecstatic Dance Ireland is not affiliated with a religious belief system or spiritual organisation of any kind. We welcome people of all beliefs and non-beliefs.

The mental state that can be reached through ecstatic dance can provide an intensely cathartic state of flow, allowing you to be fully present. It’s an experience that helps you embrace life and put things in perspective. For many people, this can feel spiritual though not necessarily religious. In this sense, ecstatic dance shares attributes with other experiences like mindfulness meditation, breathwork and psychedelics. 

Ecstatic dance is ultimately a deeply personal experience that allows you to connect with yourself and with the broader fabric of life. How you interpret it or find meaning in it is entirely up to you.

Does the DJ take requests?

We don’t take musical requests from any individual, as to do so would interrupt the flow of the experience.

Ecstatic dance music is curated and mixed with intent in order to take the room on an immersive journey. This involves reading the room and making the right decisions for everyone involved, instead of catering to any individual request.

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